Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Herdsa2009, day 2 concurrent sessions 3

Last few sessions of the conference as tomorrow I travel down to Ballarat for the start of the NCVER voc. ed. research conference.

First up, Barbara Grant from University of Auckland with a presentation on the implications of doctoral supervision on the identity formation of Maori students. There were challenges from the students to the supervisors' predominantly Western approaches to research & doctoral, culture. However, the experience could be & was not only challenging & filled with uncertainty but also rewarding and pleasureable.

Next, Gary Pritchard from University of Wales on the concept of using students' strengths to engage students in learning. Bases on strengthfinder model proposed by Clifton. Talents, knowledge & skills = strengths & possible to also use strengths to work on areas of weaknesses.

Last up, Ray Meldrum from Unitec on 'the student curriculum experience: an engagment with chaos". based on his Phd which looked into how tertiary education could nurture entrepreneurial activity. Used the concepts proposed by Doll (1989, 1993 & 2002) to unpack concept of creativity. At the moment, universities study entrepreneurs but they should be studying what is involve in becoming and being an entrepreneur and using these to inform how to help people attain entrepreneurhood.

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